A Little Claire-ification

bright ideas for the busy & budget minded…

About Me


Hi, it’s me Claire!   I’d like to know more about you but… this is the “About Me” page (awkward) so I’ll tell you a few quick things so as not to disappoint.  🙂

First, I am a Mom to three fantastic boys and I am married to my best friend in the world (and I just now checked again – he is still here!!!  Even after I told him I was starting this new blog adventure.  Go Figure!).  Best. Husband. Ever.  I am fortunate enough to work in a very creative industry that I LOVE and I sometimes try not to be bitter that I can’t be a stay-at-home Mom  and I count my blessings less often than I should.  I actually do love my job and I am a self proclaimed workaholic.  More pros and cons about that to come as well.  Balance is hard.

Those are the basics.  So why exactly am I here on the big “WWW” sharing these things?   Well, like so many others (and maybe even some of you), we are still working to rebound from the economic crisis that has affected numerous friends and of course hundreds of thousands of people that we don’t even know (more to come about our lost “dream” home that we renovated).   This is a journey to restore, rebuild and simplify our lives.  To get into a consistent pattern of spending less than we earn and saving as much as we can.  It won’t be easy – it may be painful at times – but I’d also like to keep it creative and have some fun along the way (not to mention, I’d also like to retire before I’m 95 so the pressure is really on!).  I have been inspired by some of the most amazing (understatement of the YEAR), well-seasoned bloggers – their stories and posts touch my heart every day.  You will get to “meet” them too.

So, thanks for stopping by and for joining me on my adventure!  I am looking forward to learning with you along the way.



restore. rebuild. simplify.

One response to “About Me

  1. Kaye says:

    Like your intro. Great picture too.

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